
  • : The Blue Dolphin blog
  • : Blog qui s'adresse aux élèves du Lycée Camille Jullian (élèves ou non de Mme. Coudol), à leurs parents, ainsi qu'aux membres de la communauté éducative du lycée.
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  • Mrs. Coudol


24 avril 2007 2 24 /04 /avril /2007 00:17



I love school


Welcome to the Premières LV2 pupils of 2014-2015! 


Tout au long de l'année, dans cet article-ci, vous trouverez des documents et commentaires en rapport avec votre cours d'anglais.

Vous pouvez aussi faire quelques révisions. Vous trouverez des liens vers des sites de ressources et d'exercices interactifs variés dans les articles suivants : "Interesting Links for GRAMMAR", "Interesting Links for VOCABULARY", et "Interesting Links for BAC and METHOD".


A piece of advice (= un conseil) : mieux vaut en faire peu à la fois et régulièrement, que longtemps à "chaque" fois et peu souvent !


  SCHEDULE of English classes:

Mondays : from 2:00 pm to 2:55 pm
Tuesdays: from 11:10 am to 12:05 pm (group 2)
Thursdays: from 2:00 pm to 2:55 pm (group 1)

1) You may want to check your skills at "classroom English" : 

 a) Check out this site for an interactive exercise (the explanations are in French!)
= Vous pouvez vérifier (check) vos compétences (skills) dans l'emploi du "classroom English" : allez faire un tour sur le site suivant et faites l'ex. interactif (les explications sont en français !) 
 I know I know
   just click on the picture!

b) Here is a sheet you can print (= Voici une feuille que vous pouvez imprimer) and keep in your notebooks if you need help (= si vous avez besoin d'aide):

message in a bottle - help

2) "What's up in the news?"
 Ci-dessous (mais aussi en lien dans la colonne "Articles"), un article du blog à consulter régulièrement, pour vous familiariser avec la langue de la presse et bien sûr rester au courant de l'actualité :

3) Next class:
Our next class is Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon (in groups). I hope you have your notebooks.
I will also be expecting (= waiting for) a few Expression Notebooks.


4) Qualities and shortcomings:
a) Here is the sheet with the deadlines (= dates when you have to know the words on the list):
b) Here is a recording of these words, to help you practice your pronunciation:
listening ear

5) TEST:
You have a test on Monday, September 22nd.
You will have to know your first lesson:
- my letter;
- likes and dislikes;
- the first 18 words of the qualities and shortcomings list;
- correction of your letters;
- communicating in class: message in a bottle - help .
Start revising now! 
5) TEST:
You have a test on Tuesday, September 23rd.
You will have to know your first lesson:
- my letter;
- likes and dislikes;
- the first 18 words of the qualities and shortcomings list;
- correction of your letters;
- communicating in class: message in a bottle - help .
Start revising now!
6) Homework for Tuesday, Oct. 7th / Thursday, Oct. 9th:
a) Copy these two drawings in the appendix of your notebooks:
- "Layout vocabulary" ("layout" = mise en page):
- "Location prepositions":
You MAY print (= imprimer) these two pictures if you prefer. Then paste/glue them into your notebook's appendix.
You will need to know this vocabulary for the TEST YOU HAVE ON MONDAY, OCT. 13th.
For your test, you will want (!) to revise the two present tenses (= temps de la conjugaison). Copy the structures for the simple present and the present continuous in the appendix as well (= aussi). You will find them in this file (= document):
dossier 3d
(The same link is in the article "Verb Forms and irregular verbs").

7) My watch is broken...
so I will need your help!
Revise your basics with time-telling here:
Don't forget to use the pause (II) button to have the time to register (= enregistrer) all the information !

8) Recording (= enregistrement):
Here is the recording you listened to in class, with its transcript. Listening to it again (= Le re-écouter) will help you practice recognizing (= vous aidera à vous entraîner à  reconnaître) sounds and words.
a) Bullying:
listening ear
b) Transcript:
Shelly: Daniel Radcliffe is the actor who rose to fame (= est devenu célèbre) with Harry Potter. But that's not all he's done. Daniel did a campaign against bullying, and we asked him why there has been such an increase (= une augmentation) recently.

Daniel: I suppose - I mean, this is me thinking off the top of my head (= je dis ça spontanément) - but I imagine there would be so many more ways, you know...

it no longer ends after you leave school that day, you know, a child is now, you know, contactable at home in such a variety of ways that will all… that can go undetected by parents, that I imagine it’s… it’s easier, and it can be more and more anonymous now, as well, you know.

It used to be that a bully would have to come up to you (= Avant, une brute devait venir jusqu'à vous ) and say something to you, and now they can do it through Facebook, or Twitter or any of those awful muck-peddling sites (= sites qui colportent des ragots). It’s a shame (= C'est dommage ), but it does, I guess, seem, if not more prevalent, it certainly seems more aggressive now. I mean, but it’s also, I mean I... you know...

I talked to my friend in London who drove me on Potter for ten years, and he said, you know in, "there is a parallel to be seen just in fighting in the streets", and he said, you know, if he got into a fight when he was younger, the worst that would have happened to him was that he got his jaw broken

or you got a nose broken or… now, people fight and they kill each other, like it’s everything.

I think we do seem to live in quite an extreme age, but I also am very loath to state (= mais je répugne aussi à dire) that our age is that much more extreme than anything else, because I think it always seems to be the case that one generation…the most modern generation, always seems to be the worst, and I don’t think we can be.



9) Holiday homework:
Groups 1 and 2: bring your textbooks to class (= amenez votre manuel). Read "Gap years", p.139 of your textbooks.
Group 1 (on Thursdays. EVEN (= même)THE PUPILS WHO WERE ABSENT ON THURSDAY, OCT. 16th): choose one of the following statements (= une des affirmations suivantes) and DISCUSS (in 200 words, +/- 10%). Express your opinion.
Skip lines (= sautez les lignes) and indicate the exact number of words used.

  1. All classrooms should have web cameras so parents can monitor their children.
  2. Children who often misbehave should be told to leave the school forever.
  3. Parents of bullied children can sue the bully's parents.
  4. Teachers should receive better training to understand bullies and stop them.
  5. Parents of bullies should be named and shamed in local newspapers.
  6. Well-behaved children can suggest punishments for badly behaved children.
  7. Teachers who cannot control their classrooms should be fired.  
  8. Bullies should be put in special children's prisons.
Have a nice holiday.


10) Oral presentations:
This is how I will grade you:



11) Holiday homework:
ho ho ho homework
This is the time to be festive, to relax, and have tons of fun!
It is also the time for revisions... Yeah, yeah, I know: not so festive!
Here it is, then:
Preparation for back-to-school:
We will talk about the holiday, about what we did with our friends and/or relatives (= membres de la famille), about how we celebrated Christmas and the New Year.
(= Nous parlerons des vacances, de ce que nous avons fait avec nos amis et/ou notre famille, de la façon dont nous avons fêté Noël et le Nouvel An).
Prepare this class discussion with this vocabulary (just click on the picture below!):
happy holidays-reindeer
I hope to see you in top form next year, so:
Best wishes, and have a great holiday!



  12) "Black Friday" - recording and transcript: 
a) "Black Friday":
listening ear
b) Transcript:
   Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. It's called "Black Friday" because when sales are in positive - as in 'the stores make money' - it's considered black. So, on Black Friday, everything - all the products, that is - are very cheap, and everyone goes to the stores very, very early in the morning. 
   When I was younger, the stores opened at 5 am, and people could begin shopping that early. Now, however, there are some stores that open at midnight. I personally do not go to the stores at midnight. However, my friends camp out in the parking lot before the store opens. Then, once they see more people arriving, they get in line. Many, many people do not like waiting in line, so people try to elbow their way in, cut you off, or sneak in.
   I tend to go in the morning, to beat traffic, but I do not go at 3 in the morning. That is too extreme for me. However, like every other shopper on Black Friday, I try to buy all of my Christmas gifts for my entire family and my friends, and I spend all the money I possibly can, because prices will not be any cheaper for the rest of the year.

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<br /> Do we have european class on Friday at 17:05 ?<br />